Archive for August, 2007


What is the future of the web?

August 3, 2007

I always admire those who either attempt to predict the future or try place in an historical context contemporary developments in techonology. Adam Howell of Vitamin has asked 16 top designers what current web developments would be seen in the future as important

“What’s one thing about today’s web (company, technology, movement, etc.) that you think we’ll look back on in 10 years and say ‘that was important’ or ‘that was really a turning point in the history of the web’?”

The answers make for an interesting read to mull over while having a morning cuppa. Answers range from seeing the rise of broadband as important and the rise of mobile technologies even more so. Seeing the discussion/definition of Web2.0 as amusing, and the spread of the social web as important. Sharing resources, the rise of open source, user-driven content, the trend towards mashups and experiments was also mentioned. Microformats and harnessing the web to function as a viable real world alternative to traditional apps and media, was another point made.

For me I am watching virtual worlds such as Second Life. I know there is much hype being written about virtual worlds at the moment. But I am interested because spaces like Second Life contain the possibility of a 3D web. It is not what they are today or even tomorrow but what they may be in 5 or 10 years time that sparks my imagination.